Action film legend Chuck Norris reportedly gave an interview to Gazeta (via AITH) where he said the following...
"In The Expendables 2, there was a lot of vulgar dialogue in the screenplay. Fot this reason, many young people wouldn't be able to watch this. But I don't play in movies like this. Due to that I said I won't be a part of that if the hardcore language is not erased. Producers accepted my conditions and the movie will be classified PG-13."
A few hours later Sylvester Stallone confirmed to AICN that the PG-13 rating talk is true and quickly defended the film "before your readers pass judgement, trust me when I say this film is LARGE in every way and delivers on every level. This movie touches on many emotions which we want to share with the broadest audience possible."
Arnold Schwarzenegger Bruce Willis Mickey Rourke Jason Statham Scott Adkins Jet Li and JCVD also star with Liam Hemsworth appearing as one of the film's newcomers. Tennis star Novak Djokovic making his feature film acting debut.
Con Air's Simon West called action. Plot deets are scarce right now but claims are that Willis and JCVD are the bad guys this time 'round seems likely
The sequel will hit theaters on August 17th, 2012
Expendables 2: PG-13 Or No Norris
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