The CG animated film adaptation of "The Goon" comic which David Fincher optioned back in 2008 from Dark Horse Entertainment looks like it might be near death.
Created by Eric Powell in March of 1999, the series follows the adventures of a muscle-bound brawler who claims to be the primary enforcer for a feared mobster. The tales have a paranormal and comedic bent to them.
Paul Giamatti and Clancy Brown voiced the characters of Franky and The Goon in a test footage reel in 2010.
IFC spoke with Giamatti at the Sundance Film Festival this week and asked him about the film's status:
"I have no idea what the hell happened. I asked and no one knows. I guess they just ran out of money" he says.
This jives with comments by Fincher last year who said getting a project like this financed was extremely difficult.
There's still some hope that funding may be found for the film.
Powell said via Twitter: “Last I spoke with Fincher & Blur [Studios], they were gearing up for more meetings to try to find financing for the film. It’s not dead until Fincher & Blur come to me & say they are done.”
Goon Film On Life Support At Best
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