Jim here. According to Variety, David R. Ellis has been selected to direct HUMPTY DUMPTY, a science fiction horror movie based on the premise of an alien that wreaks havoc on humans after his mother was "abused by two rednecks in the Deep South".
Mark Ordesky (Exec Prod - LOTRs) is producing through his own Amber Entertainment company.
Look for shooting to commence in September.
Personally I think that this project holds a lot of promise if it is done correctly. I mean major box office bite. Why? Because it gives a fresh perspective on a common theme - the alien on earth thing has been done to death. But introduce some potential sympathy for the vigilante alien and BINGO :-) You have a PREDATOR meets ORCA. And of course any SciFi done in 3D in the right way is going to be spectacular. This has franchise written all over it too.
Ellis has an impressive background in stuntwork so I will expect to see many old school, non-CGI tricks up his sleeve for this action pic. And of course he is helming the 3D slasher FINAL DESTINATION: DEATH TRIP 3D due in theaters this August - I have heard plenty of good things about it too.
Ellis has a connection with Vince Pace too through FINAL DESTINATION so potentially he would be using the Pace / Cameron Fusion 3D rigs for HUMPTY DUMPTY. That would be awesome.
Ordesky brings a lot to the table with the LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy under his belt, but keep in mind he was executive producer on those. This is a much more hands on dealio.
There does not seem to be any cracks in this project yet. We shall see who they land for talent and I will be following those developments closely. If you have any knowledge on HUMPTY DUMPTY let me know! (...and don't quote the nursery rhyme!) :-)
Director David R. Ellis: Horror HUMPTY DUMPTY Going SciFi 3D
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