Breaking News
Monday, 13 April 2009

Info Post
Jim here. I have just gotten wind of this movie being in 3D so BLAM! ...up it goes on MarketSaw. Producer John Davis (GULLIVER'S TRAVELS; AVP; I, ROBOT; DAYLIGHT; PREDATOR) is attached to THE LEGEND OF SPYRO 3D. The director is Mark Dippe.

Based on the best selling video game (20 million units +), it is a story of a young dragon whose destiny is to battle evil forces in Dragon World. Spyro must learn to fly, breath fire and battle aided by his friends and family.

I have an email into the production company to ensure that this is in fact a stereoscopic 3D production and not another animation claiming to be 3D (Yes I claim the terms 3D and 3-D for stereoscopic movie industry!). I have never heard of an animation that would place 3D in the working title and poster of the movie if it is not in stereo.

Some pretty good voice talent is attached to this production: Gary Oldman plays Ignitus (sounds like a fire breathing dragon wha?) and Elijah Wood voices Spyro. Animation is by Animation Picture Company.

Well to me these guys are going up against the giants of the animation industry (Pixar, Disney, DWA, Sony) and will undoubtedly be compared to them. Don't know if they can pull that off - but here's hoping. I do like the premise.

Apparently they are releasing the movie on February 19, 2010 in Turkey - however there is tight competition that time of year in North America with TOY STORY 2 opening February 12, 2010 and ALICE IN WONDERLAND on March 5, 2010.


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