Yes, this is one of those trailers that appears to reveal the entire film in just a few short minutes, so spoiler-phobes may want to avoid it. While this movie looks visually gorgeous, the apparent scenes of heaven seem a bit too close to What Dreams May Come (an exceptionally underrated fable that's much darker than it's given credit for). Furthermore, the narrative being told seems surprisingly conventional. Judging purely from this trailer, the picture would seem to be a prestige-picture variation of The Invisible. I have not read the acclaimed book that this is based on, so I don't know if there is more underneath the surface beyond the seemingly paint-by-numbers storytelling. Nor can I know for sure if the final Rear Window-ish moments of the trailer read as conventionally bland as they appear. If not for my faith in Peter Jackson and his sterling batting average up to now (the Lord of the Rings trilogy, King Kong), I'm not sure I would be all that interested in this picture.
Scott Mendelson
Scott Mendelson
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