Jim here. According to The Wrap's Sharon Waxman, Director Ridley Scott "is breathing down the neck of executives at Universal to get them to approve making a 3D version of his new $200 million epic, ROBIN HOOD".
Waxman has a quote from a "knowledgeable executive" that a 3D conversion of ROBIN HOOD would be in the range of $7 to $8 million. Now I know of at least one company that charges about $100,000 a minute for conversion - so say ROBIN HOOD is 120 minutes (I have no idea), that makes a cost of about $12 million. So Waxman's source is close depending on the conversion technology company. I know others are cheaper.
You all know what my opinion is on this already. Any movie by Ridley Scott in 3D is exactly why I got into the business in the first place. A resounding YES echoed in my head when I read that. Ridley will be making THE FOREVER WAR in 3D too - so chalk him up as yet another visionary convert! Sharon is a friend of mine (I occassionally post on her site) and I will check further with her. Sounds very interesting to say the least!! :-)
Ridley Scott's ROBIN HOOD In 3D? Could Happen!
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